Most Common Methods for Vehicle Transport

Updated at: 11.07.2022
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Author: MarySharp

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Vehicle manufacturing companies may often need to transport vehicles from one place to another. Though some vehicle manufacturing companies may have their own logistics systems in place other vehicles manufacturing company may choose to rely on the logistics and shipping companies for safe vehicle transport. Manufacturing companies can enter into contracts with the shipping companies whereby the shipping company becomes a logistics partner of the manufacturing company.

Apart from providing vehicle transport services for industries, vehicle shipping companies also provide motor vehicle or car transport services for homes as well.

Companies use many different methods for transporting vehicles. Some companies offer a variety of methods, while others provide few options. Keep in mind that not all methods of vehicle transport apply for every car. There are specific methods for transporting certain cars. All of these methods have different price ranges; some are cheaper, while others are slightly costly. Time is another factor that plays an important role in these vehicle transport methods. Your car might reach its destination in a surprisingly short period in some methods, while other methods might require considerably more time for transporting your vehicle.

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    Transportation models used by vehicle transport companies

    Top Shipping companies have global and local networks with logistics services provider partners. The common methods used by vehicle shipping companies are based on several considerations. The logistic companies work out the vehicle transportation problem such as to minimize cost and time and maximize safety. The transportation model used by vehicle shipping companies is based on optimization model equipped with graphics and algorithms. Top shipping company intelligence personnel can employ logistics intelligence software to work out the best transportation solution for vehicle transport. Logistics companies have well developed data feeding and retrieval systems for the various transportation routes, travel distances, safety features of each transportation route, the modes of transport available for the major transportation route, emergency alerts, among other pertinent information.

    Modes of transport used by vehicle transport companies

    Vehicle transport companies can use one or few modes of transportation. The transportation mix finalized by the vehicle transport company is based on minimization of cost and time and maximization of safety. To work out specific transportation problems, vehicle shipping companies apply generalized as well as specific approaches. Automobile transport companies can include auto transport by rail, auto transfer by road or auto transfer by waterways as the modes of transportation in their transportation mix.

    Men and machines of vehicle shipping companies

    Reliable auto transport company ensures maximum safety of car or vehicle in handling, loading, reloading and during transit. The carriers used for transit are chosen as per the weight and size of the carriage to ensure maximum security against the risk of damage. The staff and channel partners working for auto shipping company are efficient and well trained on all aspects related to vehicle handling and transportation safety. The drivers of carriage vehicles possess high driving skills scores and valid driving licenses.

    Transportation packages offered by Auto transport companies

    Vehicle shipping companies offer two main types of transportation packages for vehicle transfer and these are the door to door vehicle transport package or terminal to terminal vehicle transport package. The door to door vehicle transport service offers maximum convenience as vehicle owner can leave the entire task of getting the vehicle transported on the auto shipping company. The door to door vehicle transport service can be made available by auto shipping company as per feasibility. The terminal to terminal auto transport package is a cheaper option and does not provide door step pick up or delivery of the automobile.

    Transportation packages offered by top shipping company include:

    1. Door-to-Door Vehicle Transport

    Door-to-door transport is a transporting method used commonly by many vehicle transport companies. This method is especially convenient for the carriers as they are able to choose their own route for arriving at the pickup and drop off destination instead of following specific locations. Following specific locations is extremely difficult for the drivers because there is high traffic that is virtually unavoidable. Therefore, door-to-door transport ultimately proves to be beneficial for both the customer and the carrier as they are in control of the vehicle they are transporting. If you take a quick look, you will find out that the standard method of transport is the door-to-door method. Aside from the reasons that are already mentioned above, there are a few other reasons why door-to-door transport is popular among most people.

    • This method, even though not as cheap as terminal transport, is extremely cost effective and significantly safer than many other methods.
    • One of the biggest advantages this method has is the fact that there is no middleman. You actually get to meet the carrier and have the chance of airing your concern and raising queries directly. Direct contact with the carrier satisfies the clients and they do not worry about their car while it is being shipped.
    • The delivery time in door-to-door transport is lesser than many other methods. The reason behind this is that the carriers do not have to make unnecessary stops as they directly drive to your door.

    2. Terminal-to-Terminal Transport

    Despite not being as popular as door-to-door transport, many people prefer terminal transport for transporting their vehicles. The companies that provide terminal-to-terminal transport these days are extremely few. The few companies that do provide it only offer this vehicle transport service in a limited capacity. In terminal-to-terminal transport method, the company provides the client pickup and drop off locations for their car. These locations are terminals, which sometimes require advanced fees. This is one reason why many people are avoiding terminal-to-terminal transportation. There are a handful of functioning terminals left at inconvenient locations, which is why most carriers refuse to provide this service. However, there are a few reasons why this transporting method has not died yet. The biggest reason is the fact that this vehicle transport method is extremely cheap when compared to door-to-door method. There are some situations when people do not need their cars moved right away. Terminal-to-terminal transport proves handy in these situations as well.

    3. Auto Transport by Rail

    The auto transport by rail method once used to be extremely popular. However, just like the terminal-to-terminal method it is slowly dying. However, a niche clientele still prefers this old school vehicle transport method. This method is quite self-explanatory by its name, as the cars are transported by rails from one destination to another. There are many reasons why most people don’t prefer this method. Some of the biggest reasons include:

    • This method is extremely slow and not the best option if you are looking to receive your car quickly. You will have to wait for days and sometimes even a week to receive your car.
    • Hundreds of cars are transported in rail transport. However, rail transport is slow and your will not be completely safe. On a train, the cars are close to each other. Hence, there is a risk of collision.
    • The routes for rail transport are very far and few. This means that this method is not cost-effective.
    • The standard methods of vehicle transport are far more effective and cheaper than this method.

    Even though the cons mostly outweigh the pros in this transporting method, there are a few occasions where auto transport by rail might actually prove to be handy. If you are someone who is looking to transport a large quantity of cars, this might be the right option for you. Additionally, you can also benefit from this method if you are a car dealer and your showroom happens to be close to a railway drop off destination.

    4. Standby Auto Transport

    People usually use this vehicle transport service when they are on a low budget. In this method, you have to pay a “standby price” to the carrier. What this essentially means is that the carrier will decide the date and time to pick up your car instead of you. It can take weeks or maybe even months for them to pick your car up.

    There are specific routes that carriers operate on. If your car happens to be on their route, they will pick it up. However, keep in mind that if someone is willing to pay more money than you for transporting their car, you will have to wait a bit longer.

    Most companies generally advise against these methods because of how long it takes and because your car will not be getting the individual attention and care that it would get in other methods.

    Mary Sharp

    Mary is a 30 years old freelance writer for more than 10 years now, and she's been writing in many fields, but mostly she wrote for a local journal on a daily basis for more than 5 years. Now she's a great expert in the transportation and logistics field in the most progressive shipping company in the USA "Shipaa". Follow her to find out a lot of great details about the transportation field, tips and tricks that will help everyone who wants to have a great experience using shipping services.

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