Сopyright and trademark

Shipaa Auto Transport

Shipaa as well as the Shipaa logo are licensed trademarks of Shipaa company and are all used in line with the license.

COPYRIGHT © 2015-2020 Shipaa

Any and all copyright in the pages of the given web resource, the text, code, graphical elements as well as any other contained material is property of Shipaa and / or its affiliates, that is unless it is otherwise specified.

Furthermore, the elements as well as materials that are contained on the given resource, the layout and the design cannot be copied, compiled or distributed without ant prior written consent of Shipaa.

Allowed use of materials hereon or herein
Any individual is hereby authorized to browse the info available on Shipaa website for information purposes solely. Nevertheless, the images and the text on the given resource cannot be modified, copied, reproduced or distributed, reused without the expressed written permission of Shipaa.

Make sure to direct any questions that are related to using the materials on the given resource to:

Shipaa Car Shipping
9345 Blue House Rd, Apt 10208, Ladson, SC 29456
tel: +13053070066
fax: +13053070066

Do you agree to ship your car with Shipaa?

We are always available by phone (305) 307-0066 or FB messenger. Submit a request